Mass Advertising, and
the Growth of the Internet and Blogs
The spread of basic functional literacy in industrial
societies combined with the improvements in communication technologies to lay
the basis for the development of new approaches to the promotion of creating
demand for the rapidly increasing output of goods by increasingly efficient
industrial systems. Drawing upon increased understanding of the nature of human
compulsions shaped by the environment around them, advertisers would also learn
lessons gained by States in their propaganda efforts during periods of war to
rally the population to support the goals of the nation in its conflict. The
result would be a rapid expansion of the use of simple, direct means of
advertising to popularize new products and increase the appeal and demand for
established products would become permanent features of popular culture as the
twentieth century evolved, and would eventually come to impact other realms of
public life, including politics. This isbased on the ideas and writtings presented in
From Television, to movies, and the internet, these facts must be recognized,
and combated with the knowledge of what is a Fallacious Argument. I’ve found a
good source of what is a fallacious argument to be found at